
a batt and a drop spindle

Carded alpaca fleece and a drop spindle

I have learned to spin my alpaca fibre using a drop spindle and my own hand processed yarn – are you impressed?

There is something very therapeutic about making your own yarn and seeing a mass of fluffy fleece become a piece of knitting. I am incredibly proud of myself! It is a very ancient art and really puts you in touch with your roots.

There are very few things we do these days which are almost unaltered since we were living in caves. One is looking into a fire, another is sharing a meal, and then there is spinning…

I have written about all the stages and the equipment you need to do it all on a dedicated yarn processing page


  1. Fiona Thomas says

    Well done you! I’ve had one spinning lesson. I felt it was a bit like learning to drive a car, getting the feet and hands working in harmony, whilst concentrating on all the other aspects. I shall have another attempt and when time allows, go for proper lessons. I hope you’ll post your creations on your blog for all to see?